Stem Cell Therapy
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What are stem cells?
Stem cells are the body’s raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the proper conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to create more cells known as daughter cells.
These daughter cells either become new stem cells (self-renewal) or become specialized cells (differentiation) with a more specific function, like blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells or bone cells. No other cell within the body has the natural ability to generate new cell varieties.
The goal of stem cell therapy is to help relieve pain from injury or damage from arthritic conditions in the spine. Stem cells can be used to help regenerate damaged or injured areas.
Stem cell therapy is a nonsurgical interventional treatment that introduces new adult stem cells collected from the patient into areas that have been damaged such as discs in order to treat the disease or injury.
Since stem cells are “undifferentiated” cells they have the ability to become any cell in the body. When these cells are placed in a certain environment, they can transform into the type of cells needed to create balance in that specific area.
For back pain, stem cells can become cartilage cells and regenerate the disc.
When surgery is needed, we also offer stem cell therapy as an adjunct to help improve healing and recovery.
Physician directed Stem Cell Therapy involves the use of stem cells to stimulate the body’s natural repair mechanisms to repair, regenerate or replace damaged cells, tissues and organs. This physician-directed therapy is very safe, ethical and does not entail the use of any fetal or embryonic cells or tissue. It has been described as the future of medicine by many prestigious groups including the National Institutes of Health and the Institute of Medicine.
The field of physician-directed Stem Cell Therapy continues to evolve, focusing on cures rather than just treatments for essentially all types of chronic diseases and conditions, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as various forms of arthritis and various orthopedic problems. As determined by our scientists, the cellular biological product that we are using is the most recent development in the field of regenerative medicine today. When cells are transplanted into a patient, they do not stay for more than a few weeks. However, the cells provide a large and robust stimulus to turn on native repair mechanisms. The number of stem cells present in the body and their functional capacity to repair damaged tissue declines with each advancing decade of life, and chronic diseases further impede their ability to respond to chronic injury or damage in the body. This is why research has led to new solutions, which include the use of umbilical cord tissue matrix as the source of cells, which have the most potent ability to generate new tissues without risk of rejection. We at Laser Spine use stem cells that are supplied by an FDA-registered cord blood bank.
Physician directed Stem cell therapy can be an effective treatment for those suffering from a broad range of arthritic conditions. By using stem cells for arthritis, Advanced Regenerative Orthopedics stimulates your body’s natural mechanism to repair, regenerate and replace damaged cells within your joints.
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The major benefits of this regenerative therapy are:
Decreased pain
May heal chronic injuries
Alternative to surgical intervention
Increased healing potential
May eliminate the need for long-term medication
Faster recovery time
May repair previous injuries
Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine
Stem cells have the potential to treat a wide range of diseases, injuries, and other common ailments. Discover why these cells are such a powerful tool for treating disease and how Stem Cell Therapy treatments work.
In their life process, stem cells have the remarkable ability to develop into many different cell types in the body, serving as the body’s own internal repair system, dividing without limit as long as the person is alive. Unlike other cells, when a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a red blood cell.
Stem cells are the basic building blocks of the body and come from two main sources:
Embryos formed during the blastocyst phase of embryological development (embryonic stem cells)
Adult tissue
The embryonic and adult stem cells vary in their potency and potential to differentiate into which cell types (ex: skin, muscle, bone, etc.).
Stem Cell Therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, replicates the body’s own response system to repair diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells.
When most people think about Stem Cell Therapy, they think of stem cell transplant, a treatment option in which embryonic stem cells are specialized first and then matured. Those cells, in turn, replace the tissue that is damaged by disease or injury.
This treatment can be used to:
Help heal inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and tendonitis
Repair injuries like rotator cuff tears or loss of joint cartilage (i.e. Joint Injection Stem Cell Therapy), actually regenerating the damaged or lost cartilage and eliminating the need for surgery and joint replacement
Help treat spinal conditions such as facet arthropathy, degenerative disc disease, SIJ arthropathy, costovertebral joints
Activating your body’s own repair response system via Stem Cell Therapy and regenerative medicine, we can utilize your own natural growth factors to treat degenerative conditions in the spine and neck, bulging or herniated discs and other conditions that cause daily pain and discomfort.
During your first appointment, you will visit with a physician to discuss treatment history and current options, conducting a medical evaluation and helping you know what to do to prepare for every step in the Stem Cell Therapy process.
After your consultation appointment, you will have your first Stem Cell Therapy appointment. This experience will be very similar to receiving a cortisone shot injection.
In therapy, we will determine the source of where your pain is originating and inject stem cells into those target areas, including directly into the affected joint, allowing the cells to disseminate throughout the joint/pain area. The same process is utilized for soft-tissue injections.
A Stem Cell Therapy procedure is an outpatient, in-office process and takes just 15 minutes with no downtime. Patients often start to experience results as soon as a few days but could take up to three months. To schedule your first consultation, please call
Laser Spine uses the latest technology to treat chronic pain. One innovative treatment utilizes stem cell therapy, which encourages your body’s own stem cells to heal damaged tissue. This procedure can address orthopedic pain in knees, hips, shoulders, feet or ankles.
LaserSpine has found that Stem Cell Therapy may also remedy pain from spinal disc injuries or conditions that haven’t improved following a conservative approach, such as non-surgical treatments.
Our Approach
Physician directed Stem Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering are much simpler and effective options that use very powerful young cells to stimulate the patient’s own native repair mechanisms to regenerate new cartilage and bone. The physician-directed treatment at LSO is a comprehensive approach to a specific joint with the goal of reducing the disabling pain and increasing function.
Physician-directed use of the youngest and most potent Stem Cells and Tissues that are delivered into the joint to help build new cartilage.
When needed, arthroscopy, or direct visualization of the joint, by a trained orthopedic surgeon to repair damaged tissue and other sources of pain through very small incisions.
When needed, direct ablation of the nerves in the joint that are the source of the pain by a trained pain medicine physician.
Our Goal
At Laser Spine, our goal is to provide minimally invasive treatments along with regenerative techniques to target your body’s natural healing ability. Used as part of our innovative, three-tiered approach, physician-directed arthritis stem cell treatment can help patients of all ages get pain relief, increase their joint mobility and enjoy a higher quality of life.
By utilizing the complete cellular tissue matrix, we are providing the best possible product that stimulates the growth of healthy new cartilages, bones and other tissue. This viable cellular biological product has maximum regenerative potential and triggers the patient’s body to heal itself.
Candidates for Stem Cell Therapy
The first step in providing stem cell therapy is to determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. This often requires a consultation with one of our board certified surgeons. At the consultation, the doctor reviews your medical history and performs a physical examination. You also may need X-rays and an MRI.
Stem cell therapy isn’t the best treatment for all cases. If we discover you are not a good candidate for stem cell therapy, we’ll discuss other treatment options with you. Our conservative physicians believe in exploring all options before resorting to surgery.
Stem Cell Therapy Procedure Details
If physicians at determine that stem cell therapy may benefit you, they will schedule a treatment. Briefly, here is what to expect:
You are given anesthesia or sedation through an IV, similar to what you would receive for a colonoscopy. Even though you may be awake and talking during the stem cell therapy procedure, you should have very little, if any, recollection of the procedure itself.
An experienced spine surgeon, orthopedic surgeon, or trained physician removes some of your bone marrow.
The bone marrow goes directly into a device made by Celling Biosciences that separates the stem cells from the rest of the bone marrow.
The separated stem cells are then injected back into your body in the area of damage or injury to aid in healing.
The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes.
Recovery from the Stem Cell Therapy Procedure
After you recover from the anesthesia, which normally doesn’t take very long, you can go home. You can immediately return to your pre-procedure activities without restrictions.

(321) 427-1460
Our Approach to Pain
Our minimally invasive procedures are highly focused and designed specifically for each patient. Every procedure is done outpatient, which means the patient can go home the same day.
Why Choose Laser Spine Orlando
Laser Spine Orlando believes in a comprehensive approach to spine pain care. Each patient is treated as an individual with personalized treatment and therapy to achieve their personal goals.

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